sbcobirding receives the generous support of the
Santa Barbara Audubon Society. For more than
50 years SBAS has helped to preserve the
biological diversity of the Santa Barbara area.
This website was created as a resource for everything birding in Santa Barbara County. The goal is
simply to promote the activity of field birding in the county and to provide information to interested
birders. If you have comments about this website or would like more information about local birding,
please contact me.
The Birds of Santa Barbara County, California
Download the latest PDF version. District Map:
Download the latest e-Book version.
Recommended Citation
Lehman, P. E. "The Birds of Santa Barbara County, California", Revised edition, July 2024, available at, 2024
Original edition: The Vertebrate Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1994.
By Paul E. Lehman
“Input from the birding public is eagerly sought. If you have corrections or other information that would be
valuable to include in any of the species accounts, please submit it, preferably labeled "BOSBC", to
sbcobirding. But recent records from the current 'season' should be sent to county compiler Dave Compton
(davcompton60 [at] We will consider these data for all future updates. This electronic
publication can be modified easily, and the plans are to do so on a regular basis.[...] Feel free to comment
privately to Paul as well, but we encourage suggested changes to be posted publicly on the sbcobirding site,
so that we can all share in this potential new information.”
sbcobirding © copyright 2025
Regarding the e-Book Version
The e-Book version contains all chapters of the book. Its ePub format should be viewable by software that is pre-
installed or freely available for most e-Readers, such as iPhones and iPads (using iBooks), Samsung Galaxy and other
Android devices, the B&N Nook, and Amazon's Kindle. On small screen devices this e-Book is much easier to read than
the pdf version as the font size is adjustable, while the automatic word wrapping makes it all fit on your narrow screen.
To get the iBooks app on your iPhone/iPod/iPad: go to to the App Store, search for "ibooks", and download it. Then, if you
select the ePub file in Safari or Mail, your iPhone/iPod/iPad will automatically suggest that you add it to your iBooks
Library. Visit Google Play to download any number of ePub readers for Android devices. Several ePub readers are also
available for Microsoft PC’s running Windows OS.
New Quick Search
Use this helpful tool created by Linus Blomqvist to quickly search species accounts from Paul’s book. Mobile friendly version: LINK
This page hosts the most recent update of Paul Lehman’s, The Birds of Santa Barbara County, California
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