Dedicated to the avifauna of Santa Barbara County
The Santa Barbara County Bird List contains
more than 500 bird species. This list is updated
when new birds have been recorded in the
county, or when CA Bird Records Committee
decisions and taxonomic updates are published.
Send and receive birding reports, read
announcements about local rarities, and
participate in general discussion through the
sbcobirding forum. This group is open to
everyone with an interest in county birding.
eBird is a real-time, online checklist program that
has revolutionized the way birders report and
access information about birds. Participate in
citizen science! Learn more about local birds by
exploring the SBA county eBird page links.
For everything birding in Santa Barbara County:
Channel Islands Live Webcam
The Channel Islands Live Bald Eagle webcam is
now online for the 2025 breeding season. Web
cameras overlook nesting Bald Eagles on Santa
Cruz Island 22 miles off the coast of southern
California. Visit the live stream to watch nest
activities, and read chat comments.
The Great Backyard Bird Count
The Great Backyard Bird Count is a free annual
event where birders of all ages and skill level
participate in a four-day census to create a real-
time snapshot of where the birds are across the
continent. The next GBBC is February 14-17,
2025. Share your birds!
Project FeederWatch
Project FeederWatch turns your love of feeding
birds into scientific discoveries. FeederWatch is a
winter-long (November-April) survey of birds
that visit feeders at backyards, community areas,
and other locales in North America. Anyone
interested in birds can participate
A Birder’s Guide to
Santa Barbara County
Visit the Birder’s Guide for a listing of popular
local birding spots. This guide aligns with the
four districts in Paul Lehman’s, The Birds of
Santa Barbara County, California, and includes
descriptions and eBird Hotspot links.
Santa Barbara County
boasts a rich diversity of
bird life and there are
many places to explore.
Where the Birds Are
eBird RBA
The eBird Rare Bird Alert displays observations
of rarities in Santa Barbara County over the past
seven days. Reports include un-reviewed and
reviewed/validated sightings. is an open-source project
that provides eBird Hotspot information. Find
habitat photos, birding tips, and descriptions for
area Hotspots from visiting birders.
SB Breeding Bird Study
The Santa Barbara County Breeding Bird Study
(BBS) provides a database of accounts of
breeding bird records in the county. Contribute
your own observations at this website link:
There are over 500 eBird Hotspots
in the county. Explore all the data
from these shared locations.
The Santa Barbara County Bird
Checklist has surpassed the 500
species milestone.
Big Day
A dedicated trio logged a record
setting 193 species in a single day
on April 25, 2008.
You can participate in this “non-
competitive” listing game. Contact
the webmaster to play.
This website was created as a resource for everything birding in Santa Barbara County. The goal is
simply to promote the activity of field birding in the county and to provide information to interested
birders. If you have comments about this website or would like more information about local birding,
please contact me.
sbcobirding receives the generous support of the
Santa Barbara Audubon Society. For more than
50 years SBAS has helped to preserve the
biological diversity of the Santa Barbara area.
sbcobirding © copyright 2024
Long-tailed Duck © Eric Ellingson
Discover great birding on the California coast
eBird RBA
latest county rarities